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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Monetizing Website 1 : Turning Your Blog/Website Into Money Making Tool

It has come to my attention that another great way to profit from the technology boom is to monetize your website, whether you have a personal website or a blog. The concept is somewhat similar to that of TV advertisements. Basically, you sign up with a particular advertisement program and when every time visitors come to your site, or when they clicked on the displayed advertisements, you get paid. Sounds great isn't it?

After some research, I understand that there are basically two types of advertisements you can host at your site : intrusive and non-intrusive.

Intrusive advertisements are active, meaning the advertisement will grab the visitor attention even if they want to see it. For example, PopupTraffic will pop up a window (pop-up advertisement) every time when a visitor click on something at a site (this blog is hosting PopupTraffic as well, try clicking any link and a window will pop-up, and I get paid). Then, the visitor will have to close the advertisement that pops-up manually, thus grabbing the audience attention.

Non-intrusive advertisements are those advertisements you regularly see on the internet - they are passive. They do not forcefully grab your attention or do anything, except for displaying advertisement at the background - usually some relevant links or images related to the site. One famous program for non-intrusive advertisement will be AdSense. For example, a site selling Tattoo with Adsense advertisement as part of its layout will have tattoo-related advertisements passively displayed in the designated area. But the problem with this type of advertisement is that the visitor must click on the displayed advertisements for you to earn money. Even if you got a million visitor but none of them clicked on the displayed advertisements on your site, your income will still be a flat zero.

Make good use of these two types of advertisement, balance them well, so on one hand you can generate enough income while on the other hand you do not turn your visitors off by flooding their computer's screen with advertisements.